{"version":3,"file":"polyfills.70acf5dc.js","sources":["../../../../../../src/lib/timeline-data.js","../../../../../../node_modules/svelte-icons/components/IconBase.svelte","../../../../../../node_modules/svelte-icons/fa/FaLinkedin.svelte","../../../../../../node_modules/svelte-icons/fa/FaDribbble.svelte","../../../../../../node_modules/svelte-icons/fa/FaGithub.svelte","../../../../../../node_modules/svelte/easing/index.mjs","../../../../../../node_modules/svelte/transition/index.mjs","../../../../../../src/lib/utils/getAge.js","../../../../../../src/lib/components/LifeCalendar.svelte","../../../../../../src/lib/utils/polyfills.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Important events that have happend in my life that I want to highlight and\n * share with the world.\n *\n * Date Format: date: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ'\n *\n */\nexport const data = [\n // { guid: '4b79fb5bfd50', title: 'First time visiting San Francisco', date: '2000-08-16', location: 'San Francisco, CA', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#336699', },\n { guid: 'cf50012c16bf', title: 'Moved to San Francisco', date: '2003-10-15', location: 'San Francisco, CA', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#336699', },\n // { guid: '0979e58679e5', title: 'Evaleigh was born', date: '2007-12-11', location: 'Berkeley, CA', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#639', },\n // { guid: '10fe96cbeb9a', title: 'Benett was born', date: '2009-06-14', location: 'Walnut Creek, CA', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#336699', },\n { guid: '7dce4a32ccd1', title: 'My first tweet', date: '2008-04-17', location: '', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#336699', },\n { guid: '01a23adefcf3', title: 'My first conference presenation (DjangoCon Chicago)', date: '2013-09-05', location: 'Chicago, IL', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#336699', },\n { guid: 'ce0f9539583f', title: 'Moved back to Midwest', date: '2012-06-17', location: 'Oakland, CA', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#624', },\n { guid: 'ce0f9324823f', title: 'Started working at Landus', date: '2022-04-01', location: 'East Troy, WI', lng: '', lat: '', color: '#824', },\n];\n","\n\n\n\n\n","\n
\n {@html ordinal_suffix_of(focusedWeek.week)} week of year {focusedWeek.yi}\n